My fascination with fungal cultures continues! Today, I present to you what reminds me of delicious buttery chocolate chip croissants. A much smaller version, and probably not great for ingestion or taste, but nonetheless, the analogy is there!
Curvularia is a dematiaceous fungi, which indicates that it produces dark brown, green-black, or black colonies. Curvularia’s conidia, has typically a sort of curved figure, with one of the center cells being larger and darker than the rest. The contrast of the blue and brown in the mount dye Lactophenol Cotton Blue is really pretty, and I’ve included this photo for you all to enjoy.
Dennis Manasco July 10, 2017
The Moldy Croissants. Wouldn’t that have been a great name for a late ’60s art-rock band?
Regardless: I love your microscope photos. I’ve always wanted to do microscope-art photos, but the equipment required to do it as an amateur hobby has always been too expensive for me. Are you familiar with Bill Atkinson’s work with rocks and crystals?
The flag is Incredible!