Can I lament about the constant changes of genus names for fungi these days?
We have here what used to be Scedosporium prolificans, now known as Lomentospora prolificans. Infections with this fungus are associated with high mortality, and it is resistent to most antifungal drugs. Main clinical presentations are disseminated infection and pulmonary mycoses, followed by bone and joint infections. The flask-shaped conidia (hyaline to pale-brown) are borne on conidiophores that have distinct swollen bases, and the conidial mass forms apical aggregates of conidia.
As you well know by now, I get very excited about microscopy. And I do love phase contrast, and when given the opportunity to see amazing slide cultures on a phase contrast scope, I was in fungal heaven for a few hours in afternoon lab at CDC.
Hopefully this is the last time they will change the name of this species…or I’ll have to come back and lament some more!